Kingdom of the Netherlands the Cape Town Convention and Aircraft Protocol
The status lists for the Cape Town Convention and Aircraft Protocol have been updated to take account of the deposit of instruments by the Kingdom of the Netherlands on 17…
The status lists for the Cape Town Convention and Aircraft Protocol have been updated to take account of the deposit of instruments by the Kingdom of the Netherlands on 17…
Information for enterprises, retail businesses and institutions In view of 10 October 2010, the date on which the Netherlands Antilles will cease to exist, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba have…
On October 10, 2010, the Netherlands Antilles as a jurisdiction within the Kingdom of the Netherlands will be dissolved. Instead, two separate new jurisdictions, Curaçao and Sint Maarten, will come…
Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in respect of Aruba, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines for the exchange of information relating to tax matters, concluded on September 1st,…
Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in respect of Aruba, and the Governments of Iceland, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden for the exchange of information with respect to taxes,…
Agreement to promote economic relations between the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in respect of the Netherlands Antilles, and the Kingdom of Denmark. The date of entry into effect has not…
Agreement to promote economic relations between the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in respect of Aruba, and the Kingdom of Norway.The date of entry into effect has not been determined yet.Verdrag…
Agreement to promote economic relations between the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in respect of Aruba, and the Republic of Finland, concluded on Septemeber 11th, 2009. The date of entry into…
Agreement to promote economic relations between the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in respect of Aruba, and the Government of Iceland.The date of entry into effect has not been determined yet….
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Dr. Lincoln D. Gomez is a distinguished partner at Gomez Coffie Law, a premier law firm in Aruba specializing in aviation, corporate, real estate, and intellectual property law. With over 27 years of experience, Lincoln provides expert legal counsel to a diverse range of clients, including governments, state-owned enterprises, banks, aircraft leasing companies, intellectual property holders, and the hospitality sector.
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