Registro de aviones corporativos en los Estados Unidos por Latino-Americanos. ¿Debería de existir alguna preocupación?

Por muchos años dentro del mundo de negocios, los inversionistas extranjeros han adquirido en Estados Unidos aviones para uso de sus negocios. Conservando dichas aeronaves a través del popular Non…

Should you be concerned? Non-US Citizens & Aircraft Ownership in the U.S.A.

For many years foreign entrepreneurs have purchased business jet in the U.S.A. and held these aircraft through a Non Citizens Trust (“NCT”) while operating them primarily outside of the U.S….

ABC’s for Non-U.S. Citizens Aircraft Owners: The FAA’s new policy on aircraft registration by Non-US Citizens & how this could affect you

The FAA has introduced a new policy, which is effective as of September 16th, 2013 (“Notice of Policy Clarification”).[1] The official title of this new policy is in my opinion…

Stage Two business jets will no longer be able to operate in the US after December 2015

At the start of July, the FAA did a little bit to encourage retirements of older aircraft by announcing that Stage Two business jets will no longer be able to…

Aruba introduces specific aviation designated inspectors (“DI”) regulation

Effective July 3rd, 2013 the Government of Aruba has introduced a ministerial ordinance codifying the use of designated inspectors (“DI”s) by the director of the Department of Civil Aviation of…

Who’s Really Flying Aircraft On U.S. Registry? DOT IG Finds Safety And Security Holes.

Worried about who’s flying US aircraft? Most Americans since 9/11 certainly are. And it seems you should be. In a report dated June 27, the DOT Inspector General found significant…

Colombia on the move with various international agreements

The Colombian government has been very active in negotiating agreements that enhance its economic expansion, improving incentives to attract foreign investments in a competitive and transparent way following the global…